First, we check each person's answers and scores for 10 different patterns to determine if they took the test in a way that would produce valid results.  Normally, there is a green message stating that the results are valid.  If the person attempted to fake the test or did not know themselves well enough to be realistic, we give a warning in red.

The far left column of the report shows the 13 Key Career TraitsFor each scale, we provide an in-depth description of the person’s feelings and likely behavior.  We also detail what the person wants or needs to be comfortable. 

The Survey compares an individual to a single job norm (one of our 28 validated norms or a custom norm that is created). These norms represent the characteristics necessary for success in each type of job. How well a character tendency fits the norm is revealed by the relation of the colored bar to the line beneath each bar. This "norm line" shows the positions considered to be Ideal ("I"), Good ("G"), and Fair ("F"). For emphasis, the bar is green if the scores are good or ideal.  The bar is light red if the score is fair, and solid red if the scores are too low or too high for the norm. This makes it easy to instantly spot strengths, and areas requiring attention. You can literally see a person's good and poor qualities just by looking at the color of the bars. 

Look at the sample below and see what a good employee looks like.  Note the green bars easily showing you that this person has the characteristics for success in their job.  This man was a star Executive in his company.

Aptitude Test Career Assessment Overview